Dynamic Time Field

I see there is a dynamic date field, is there a way to use this for time?

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Hi @Edward_Darrah,

At this point in time, no there isn't. But here are some snippets you can use.

12h time using text fields

{formtext: name=hours; default=0; cols=2}:{formtext: name=mins; default=00; cols=2}{formmenu: name=ampm; default=am; pm; cols=6}

{=catch({time: h:mma; at={=timeset}; pattern=h[:]ma}, "Invalid time")}

24h time using text fields

{formtext: name=hours; default=00; cols=2}:{formtext: name=mins; default=00; cols=2}

{=catch({time: HH:mm; at={=timeset}; pattern=H[:]m}, "Invalid time")}

12h time using dropdown menus

{formmenu: name=hours; values={=seq(1,12)}; cols=5}:{formmenu: name=mins; values={=seq(0,59)}; cols=5}{formmenu: name=ampm; default=am; pm; cols=6}

{=catch({time: h:mma; at={=timeset}; pattern=h[:]ma}, "Invalid time")}

24h time using dropdown menus

{formmenu: name=hours; values={=seq(1,23)}; cols=5}:{formmenu: name=mins; values={=seq(0,59)}; cols=5}

{=catch({time: HH:mm; at={=timeset}; pattern=H[:]m}, "Invalid time")}

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This is now available in Text Blaze :slightly_smiling_face: Check out December Development Update for the details and a set of sample snippets.

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