How to create an AI prompt generator with Text Blaze

Why write out AI prompts manually when you can use Text Blaze to create a prompt generator that works anywhere you do?

With Text Blaze, you can use form menus and text fields to customize your prompts in real-time and write effective AI prompts with ease.


Task Type: {formmenu: default=Write an email; Write a message; Summarize the following text; Polish the following text; Translate the following text; Generate social media content; name=task type}

Topic: {formtext: name=topic}

Tone: {formmenu: default=Professional; Informal; Friendly; Funny; Encouraging; Excited; Engaging; Serious; name=tone}

Style: {formmenu: default=Formal; Business; Academic; Legal; Convincing; Technical; name=style}

Audience: {formmenu: default=Customer; Coworker; Supervisor; Teacher; Client; Child; Educated Audience; Uneducated Audience; name=audience}

Length: {formtext: cols=5; name=#} {formmenu: characters; default=sentences; paragraphs; words; name=length}

Check out our video guide and written guides for more information!

As always, feel free to reach out if you have questions or need any help!


This is brilliant, @Dylan! I use TextBlaze all the time and was thinking there must be a way for TextBlaze to help me with AI prompts and bingo, I found your post.

Are there any other ways you are using TextBlaze with AI prompts? I am planning on writing an article for my subscribers to my time tips productivity newsletter on AI prompts and will definitely link to your video.


Awesome, glad you found it useful!

For any repetitive prompt I have to write in ChatGPT, I have a snippet for it, which is super useful.

Though, I use our AI snippets more often than going directly to the ChatGPT website these days :slight_smile:

Thanks so much for mentioning us in your newsletter!

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