July Development Update

:memo: Enhanced Advanced Snippet Editing

Back in March we announced we were experimenting with improvements to Text Blaze to make editing advanced snippets easier.

These initial experiments offered some large benefits, making advanced features more discoverable and easier to use. However, feedback from users like yourself indicated that they hid too much information by default and required too many clicks.

We've worked hard on addressing this feedback and now surface more information in the editing interface. Some users will see this new interface but most won't for the time being. If you don't currently, you can preview it in the community forums like in the example below.

Let us know what you think!

Price ($): {formtext: name=price; default=5000}
Tax Rate (%): {formtext: name=tax; default=12.5}
Total Cost: {=price * (1 + tax/100); format=$,.2f}

{key: tab}{key: enter}

:name_badge: Improved Snippet and Folder Renaming

We've made it easier to rename snippets and folders. You can now right-click on a snippet or folder in the sidebar to quickly rename it.


Monthly Quick Tip

Did you know you can reuse the values of form fields elsewhere in your snippets? Learn more in this video.

As always...

If you have any questions, feel free to post to our Question and Answer community forums. And if you have anything you would love to see in Text Blaze, please suggest it in the Features Ideas section.