Trigger snippet based on pasted text

I would like to trigger a snippet based on a pasted in code (i.e. SH-H-VG-35).

I see from this that triggering a snippet from a paste isn't possible directly but...

Can I have a snippet that brings up an input box, into which I can paste and OK my reference code which is then replaced with corresponding text? We have 100's of references, I'm envisaging the snippet would use a lookup table with 2 columns to convert the reference text to the inserted text :
reference text | inserted text

Is this possible with TextBlaze?

Hi Martin,

You are correct that you cannot paste text and activate a snippet. However, what you are describing may be possible with Data Blaze. This simple snippet below uses a Data Blaze table to select a value associated with a key (like the references associated with text you mentioned). When you trigger the snippet, you can paste the reference the data blaze dropdown menu and the value associated with it would be pasted in the snippet. Let me know if you have any other questions.

{dbselect: SELECT keys, values FROM Community Demo; space=3r9GTRbUQgWJywysMutSXN; menu=yes}