I love this app, and it has me thinking out of the box. However, I wonder if it could benefit from a companion function to Selector. Instead of taking information from a webpage’s text field, Placer would I insert text into it. Judging by the speed of Selector, and in comparison with Autopilot, the new function could be a lot faster when populating several text fields. It’d even improve the formatting of forms, which would be a lot cleaner without the need to use multiple Keystroke functions to navigate between text fields. Furthermore, it may solve the issue of emulated keystrokes: not being able to select all or copy text.
Is the following snippet aligned with your request:
Insert text into current textbox
{placefocus: selector=.textbox}
Insert text into newly focused textbox
Here, {placefocus} will take your selector and give focus to the first element matching this selector. Then, further insertion will resume from this focused element.
cc: @Brad_Hedinger you also requested this feature for Salesforce, in one of our calls. Any comments on this?
Not yet, but I have noted your request. Is your website - where you need this "placer" functionality - publicly available so that I can also test there?
I would also benefit from this, provided it works for my use case, because using shift-tab 5 times in a row is very slow (compared to how fast TextBlaze is in general ).
Hi folks! This feature is now available in the beta version of our extension. If you're interested in trying it out, please email me at gaurang@blaze.today and I can set up the access for you.
@Gaurang_Tandon . If I am understanding this correctly, this would/could take the place of tab commands that need to be used to travel from one field to another field. You know this is a big deal in Salesforce. Am I understanding this correctly?
Hi Brad, yes, you are understanding this correctly I haven't tested this feature explicitly in Salesforce - so if you face any bugs, please do email me haha.
This is a big feature for me as well maily for form filings. (I had to use TAB function 35 times just to reach to the point where I wanted to put text first.