Announcing: Text Blaze for Windows (Public Beta)

:wave: Introduction

Windows wizards, wave goodbye to tedious typing with Text Blaze, now available for every app on your computer!

Today we're happy to announce a Beta version of Text Blaze for Windows!

Text Blaze for Windows (Beta) lets you insert your snippets on EVERY desktop app on Windows. We support Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Word, Slack Desktop, ...and EVERY Windows app.

Already excited? So are we! :slight_smile: Click this button to download the app:

Download Text Blaze

You can also download the app directly using this link, but we recommend using the the Microsoft Store.

:tada: Features

You can use Forms, Autopilot, Stylized Text, Images and more! As an example, here's how to create a colorful recruitment email within seconds :sunglasses:


We also have the Popup Assistant (see image below) to search for snippets. Press Ctrl+Shift+/ (forward slash) to bring it up. You can navigate it with arrows keys and press Enter to insert the selection. If you often need to remember your shortcuts, then this is for you :bulb:


:memo: Notes

We only support Windows 10 and Windows 11. If you are on an older version, please upgrade to Windows 10 or newer.

:100: Conclusion

Let us know what you think! How does it work for you? What can we improve?

We hope the Windows app will help you be more productive :fire: :computer:


One thing I have noticed about Text Blaze for Windows is that when I use it inside Wavebox or other chromium bases products, both the chrome extension and the Windows app works at the same time, producing duplicated snippet expansion.

I could remove the chrome extension inside Wavebox, but the GMail command pack does not work with the Windows App in Gmail accounts inside Wavebox ([Error - The command "Gmail – Recipient First Name" may only be used on]).

So, it could be useful to have a black App list inside Text Blaze for Windows or fix the GMail command pack, so it works inside Wavebox. I think the first option is better.

Thank you very much for the Windows App. I will keep testing it.


Hi and welcome to the community @Manuel_Llorens_Garci :slight_smile: You are correct. We do have a internal list of Chromium based browsers. Thanks for making us aware of Wavebox. I will get back to you with a solution soon.


Hi @Manuel_Llorens_Garci, as discussed over email - The desktop app should not conflict with the extension inside Wavebox!

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I'm jealous, need a macOS version! =)


Hi @RainbowBrite, I can't give you an ETA right now but rest assured we will have it soon!



Hello, thanks for developing this tool for Windows as well, I performed the installation on my Windows 7 64 bits but the following error is appearing:

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Hi @Mateus_Channels, welcome to our community! :slightly_smiling_face: We only support Windows 10 and Windows 11. Support for Windows 7 has been discontinued by Microsoft, so I would suggest you to upgrade if possible.


Okay thanks, I will upgrade to Windows 10, thanks

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Thank you for the Windows version. Text Blaze is superior in every way to my previous text expander, except for working in non-browser programs.

Now that you have the Windows version, I can use Text Blaze in my favorite note-taking program and other non-browser apps.


This made my return-to-work week!! Thank you so much for this feature.


Thanks a lot


Don't forget to check compatibility with a virtual keyboard for the disabled. :slight_smile:

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Hey @Alain_Gaudet :wave: Thanks to your feedback, we've already added support for virtual keyboards and the update will be coming this week. I will keep you posted via email.


Does the program have to be open in the background for it to work?


Hi @bester, yes program needs to run in the background but you can close the window. It is automatically taken care of.

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